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what does the super bowl have to do with mesothelioma

What Does the Super Bowl Have to do With Mesothelioma?

Eleanor Ericson Mesothelioma NurseOn Sunday February 3, 2019, an estimated 100 million people will watch the Super Bowl.  Some are fans, some are watching for the commercials or half-time show, and others are just watching to be sociable at a party or gathering. The Super Bowl is a game between one team from the American Football Conference and one team from the National Football Conference that have won the honor through a playoff system to go to the Super Bowl. Fans and players alike have superstitions they think can influence the game results. For the teams involved, it is an accomplishment just to have the opportunity to make it to the game.

Football is a team sport. At first glance, it may just seem like one team tackling the other team. It is, however, an intricate game with strategies and assignments for everyone under every possible variable. It has plays, schemes and strategies. It is practiced, studied, analyzed and dissected. It has been called a game of inches. Anyone that has played can also tell you it is hard physically and mentally.

What does the Super Bowl have to do with malignant mesothelioma?

Treating your mesothelioma may be looked at as a team sport, with your teammates fighting for you. Fighting any disease is best done with a team at your side. Mesothelioma Centers support you and your caregivers with experienced teams that include doctors, nurses and social workers. Your doctor is your Head Coach and will guide you through this journey. You may think of your friends and family as your teammates and fans. Just like football teams, your team is unique and special, making plays based on your needs.

Remember, your team is there for you and will help as you need it. You are not alone. Your team will make adjustments for you and switch plays when needed. Your team will learn along the way and get better and better at fighting for you.

P.S.  GO PATS!!!!

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